Saturday 21 July 2012

The Stress of Living

Well, I know it's been a while but I finally finished my exams and I am already firmly settled into my summer and about to move onto 6th Form.
But as lovely as that is I have had to put up with everything between where I was and where I am now without showing people how much they have annoyed me or how much I am not enjoying myself.
Take the Year 11 prom for example. Everybody goes around saying how lovely everyone else looks with a fake smile plastered to their faces and the biggest, most princess-y dress they can find, thinking "You will never look as good as me" and all of the girls are trying to out do each other whilst the boys are just hoping to get lucky.
I, however, just went for a very simple black dress that wasn't anything special and didn't cost my parents an arm and a leg. I didn't particularly enjoy the prom, it wasn't very well organized and the place we were at wasn't particularly big, but it was big enough for the drunk girls to fall off the stage onto the floor and still look like complete prats even if they were popular.
Just to top the summer off, the school decided it would be a good idea to give the new 6th formers assignments to do in their holidays. I now have four assignments to do because of this with a load of essays to write and a 3D model to make.
All I wanted to do this summer was finally take the time to relax and read my books but apparently that will never happen. I can always hope it will but my 6th sense is telling me it's a definite no-no.
Well, I'm sorry I went off on one but sometimes you just have to let somebody know how your feeling, even if it's just the internet and nobody is even reading. I hope everybody else enjoys their summer even if I can't.