Tuesday 25 September 2012

If You Can't Handle The Truth...

I've been back at school for nearly three weeks now and none of that time has been good, it's not made me happy. Not even being around the people that I may call friends has made me happy.
To make matters worse my friends- which are really just a group of people I hate a little less than everybody else- have welcomed a new girl into our midst. This new girl, they all think she's perfect, she couldn't do wrong in their eyes and she is obviously the nicest person in the world.
This girl I hate more than the rest. She is not a nice person, she thinks the world should revolve around her and since she has joined us nobody needs me anymore. None of my 'friends' even want to know me now that this girl has arrived.
I've tried to speak with my parents about it but they just laugh it off and say no more. It's like even they don't care and that hurts.
I have had to resort to this blog to make my feelings heard, even if nobody else reads this.
Sometimes I wish I could just sink into the welcoming abyss that depression offers me but then I think about what it is that I want from my life. Think about the fact that, half of these people I'm never going to have to see again!
These are the thoughts that make me happy. This and the fact that if I am able to do what it is that I want to further on in my life, I'll be helping millions of little animals who seem to like me a lot better than humans...