Saturday 8 December 2012


I've found that even when you think life is going pretty well for you, everything messes up. What you believe to be the truth is suddenly wrong and you're left not knowing where you stand.
In my case, this has happened but also, yesterday I was having a great day because we only had to go into school for a 5 minute target interview. I therefore did my work experience at the vet in the morning so that I could watch some operations. I told my form tutor what I thought was the truth, turns out that what I told him was a load of crap...
I was also feeling really great for the whole of yesterday and then I started to feel a bit iffy and ended up going to bed at 8pm and then slept until 9 this morning which kinda did me good. Then my family decided it was Christmas decoration day and there was going to be no fighting and therefore everyone started screaming and shouting and fighting over everything...
My teachers have all decided it's a really good idea to give me a tonne and half of homework a couple of weeks before exams and I feel like I'm about to fall apart.
I should probably get back to homeworking now or it'll never get done.
I hope everyone else is having a better time of it than I am right now because this is pretty rubbish...