Tuesday 1 January 2013

Well, A Happy New Year To You

I hope everyone is getting on ok and I hope that we all brought in the New Year well. It's been a while since I've done this so I might be a little bit rusty.
I really never know what I'm going to end up writing when I come on here but I always just go with the flow and hope that it's not going to be something completely inappropriate...
To finish off 2012 I was pretty annoyed and I still am. Over the Christmas holiday I have spent most of my time revising because I have exams coming up 2 days after we get back. I was also told by my Literature teacher that I need to write a 2000 word essay for coursework and she said she would get back to me about it before we finished for the holidays. I'm still waiting for her to get back to me about it so I now have 5-ish days to finish off everything else and to hope that she gets back to me at some point.
I have also realised that I have no real friends, no one I can talk to when I have problems, because none of the people I know actually care about what I think about things, just as long as I can handle their problems instead of my own.
I have decided that 2013 is going to be different. Life is going to be better for me now and nobody is going to bring me down, and if they try I'm just walking away because I don't want to deal with another year of bull. I'm already having to hold onto one friends secret, which isn't going to be a secret muck longer if she keeps talking about it the way she does.
Just remember, each day you need to think of three good things about your life. Mine:
1. Between revision I managed to watch a whole season of Rizzoli & Isles
2. My first set of exams are nearly out of the way
3. I get to look at Paul Wesley on my calendar for the next month