Tuesday 17 April 2012

Back to School

I went back to school yesterday, as did many, which is why I didn't write anything here.
After two weeks off of non-stop school work I went back and just couldn't get back in the swing of things. I got home from school and it was even worse, it probably doesn't help that I'm an on and off insomniac and the night before I didn't really sleep properly.
I'm sure it was feeling kind of like this for everybody out there and I just can't wait for the weekend, even though I'm not even going to be doing anything.
Well, I hope everybody out there enjoyed being back at school with all your friends. Rest well and keep on living.

Sunday 15 April 2012


Well PotterMore is up and it is brilliant. I was sorted into Gryffindor which all of my friends said would happen and made it through the first book in just under two hours.
It's a lot of fun and considering how much I loved the books this has not let me down at all.
Hopefully the next book will be up soon, fingers crossed!

Saturday 14 April 2012


I love the commitment show between some couples, colleges and friends. I met a man today who is a friend of a friend and he had a walking stick with him. Everybody else seemed to know why but I was the only one who had absolutely no idea.
It was funny, as soon as we walked away from the guy I was told about his accident and how his colleges had helped him to get the money he deserved even though it was all his own fault.
I hope to one day find people like this and have the same kind of relation ship because it has been such a long time since this man and my friend had seen each other, a chance meeting, if you will.
So the moral of all of my rambling is, some secrets are good. They are good to keep for friends and family. But some secrets, however will get you into a lot of trouble, like this one if the truth ever properly came out. Which I know it never will.

Friday 13 April 2012


One day I hope to travel around the whole of America. I will probably end up doing so by myself but first I'm going to need a whole lot on money. It is something that I am going to do though, no matter what anybody says because it is what I want to do and nobody will stop me.

A Day In The Life

As always, for someone like me nothing has happened. I believe in being who you need to be but many of the people I know would probably disagree with my outlook on life.
Go and do what you see fit, don't do things because they are expected of you. Do them because that is what you want and that is what will keep you moving forwards.
Just remember that all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.