Wednesday 10 October 2012

It Gets Better

Well, I've still got a whole lot of work to do and hardly ever have any free time but life seems to be picking up a bit for me right now. (touch wood!)
I'm actually finding doing school work a lot more calming than being with people, it's nice just to sit at home in the silence and have the satisfaction of knowing everything is done and you can have a moment to just sit and enjoy the world before you have to come back to the work again.
Today, even the girl I talked about in my last post seemed nicer than normal (that'll probably wear off tomorrow) and I had a really nice time at school which never, ever happens!
I hope that everyone else is doing really well in their lives as well, if you want to you can comment on this post and tell me anything, I'm all ears!
Sorry this post was so short but that was my moment of just sitting and enjoying the world and I'm just glad I got to enjoy it with you beautiful souls. I'll post again soon!
(If you have any suggestions for posts, please tell me! I'm willing to write about anything you want to see, not just things about my life!)


  1. can u post more often or not????

    1. If you give me a day to do it I can try to make it a weekly thing, as long as its not a Friday
