Tuesday 11 August 2015

Why, Hello there...

Well guys and girls, its been about 2 years (possibly over) since I last posted something on here...

Life update?
I finished 6th Form, and I'm now at uni and going into my second year.
I have a job now, for the leisure department of a store. It's super annoying and the hours are long, but I get money at the end of it.
I don't really know what else to say. I own more of everything I previously owned. I've probably lost some stuff as well. I don't really have many friends. And, oh yes, I have a birthday coming up...

Birthdays are not something I enjoy. There's too much fighting because nobody can decide on any one thing to do, and I basically just want to sleep the day away in any case.

I'm going back to uni in a few weeks to start my second year there, living in halls of residence again and looking after all the first years, which should be fun :)

It's highly likely that no one is ever going to find this post, and if you do, I really don't blame you if you don't care. After all, I'm just some stranger on the internet hiding behind a blog post. I probably wouldn't care if I were you... To be quite honest with you, after I post this, I'm highly likely to forget about the existence of this blog. But if it just so happens that I don't, I may put a post or two on here, vent my feelings a bit, give nobody in particular a completely pointless update on my magnificently boring life...

It is time to be off now, me thinks. I don't know why I even spent so long writing this on here. I could've just written it down in a diary like a normal person, but no. Not me. Never normal...

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