Tuesday 11 August 2015

Why, Hello there...

Well guys and girls, its been about 2 years (possibly over) since I last posted something on here...

Life update?
I finished 6th Form, and I'm now at uni and going into my second year.
I have a job now, for the leisure department of a store. It's super annoying and the hours are long, but I get money at the end of it.
I don't really know what else to say. I own more of everything I previously owned. I've probably lost some stuff as well. I don't really have many friends. And, oh yes, I have a birthday coming up...

Birthdays are not something I enjoy. There's too much fighting because nobody can decide on any one thing to do, and I basically just want to sleep the day away in any case.

I'm going back to uni in a few weeks to start my second year there, living in halls of residence again and looking after all the first years, which should be fun :)

It's highly likely that no one is ever going to find this post, and if you do, I really don't blame you if you don't care. After all, I'm just some stranger on the internet hiding behind a blog post. I probably wouldn't care if I were you... To be quite honest with you, after I post this, I'm highly likely to forget about the existence of this blog. But if it just so happens that I don't, I may put a post or two on here, vent my feelings a bit, give nobody in particular a completely pointless update on my magnificently boring life...

It is time to be off now, me thinks. I don't know why I even spent so long writing this on here. I could've just written it down in a diary like a normal person, but no. Not me. Never normal...

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Well, A Happy New Year To You

I hope everyone is getting on ok and I hope that we all brought in the New Year well. It's been a while since I've done this so I might be a little bit rusty.
I really never know what I'm going to end up writing when I come on here but I always just go with the flow and hope that it's not going to be something completely inappropriate...
To finish off 2012 I was pretty annoyed and I still am. Over the Christmas holiday I have spent most of my time revising because I have exams coming up 2 days after we get back. I was also told by my Literature teacher that I need to write a 2000 word essay for coursework and she said she would get back to me about it before we finished for the holidays. I'm still waiting for her to get back to me about it so I now have 5-ish days to finish off everything else and to hope that she gets back to me at some point.
I have also realised that I have no real friends, no one I can talk to when I have problems, because none of the people I know actually care about what I think about things, just as long as I can handle their problems instead of my own.
I have decided that 2013 is going to be different. Life is going to be better for me now and nobody is going to bring me down, and if they try I'm just walking away because I don't want to deal with another year of bull. I'm already having to hold onto one friends secret, which isn't going to be a secret muck longer if she keeps talking about it the way she does.
Just remember, each day you need to think of three good things about your life. Mine:
1. Between revision I managed to watch a whole season of Rizzoli & Isles
2. My first set of exams are nearly out of the way
3. I get to look at Paul Wesley on my calendar for the next month

Saturday 8 December 2012


I've found that even when you think life is going pretty well for you, everything messes up. What you believe to be the truth is suddenly wrong and you're left not knowing where you stand.
In my case, this has happened but also, yesterday I was having a great day because we only had to go into school for a 5 minute target interview. I therefore did my work experience at the vet in the morning so that I could watch some operations. I told my form tutor what I thought was the truth, turns out that what I told him was a load of crap...
I was also feeling really great for the whole of yesterday and then I started to feel a bit iffy and ended up going to bed at 8pm and then slept until 9 this morning which kinda did me good. Then my family decided it was Christmas decoration day and there was going to be no fighting and therefore everyone started screaming and shouting and fighting over everything...
My teachers have all decided it's a really good idea to give me a tonne and half of homework a couple of weeks before exams and I feel like I'm about to fall apart.
I should probably get back to homeworking now or it'll never get done.
I hope everyone else is having a better time of it than I am right now because this is pretty rubbish...

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Busy, Busy Life

For anybody who has actually read this blog, you'll know that I started 6th Form a while ago. I like being back at school and furthering my education but I think the teachers could maybe go a bit easier on us.
I only have to take 4 subjects now, but with the amount of work we're doing you'd think we were all taking about 15 subjects each.
As well as this, I'm doing work experience at my local vets which I absolutely love and would never give up, but it takes up a whole afternoon which I probably need to get all of my work done.
Then, just to make things even better, the school have to go and give us a million and one activity days which completely disrupt our schedule so that we end up missing a whole days worth of lessons.
"Why is she complain about missing lessons?" you're probably thinking. You'd think it would be something to celebrate but it's really not. We now have week 9 exams coming up after the half term and they have just taken a load of our lessons and chucked them out the window, and for what? So the rest of the school can have a pastoral activity day and only come in for ten minutes? It's not even worth it!
Just to put the icing on the cake, I've also just had braces put on... My sisters got theirs a couple of weeks ago and it was non-stop complaining and a lot of pain killers. It's now been nearly 3 hours for me and I still don't need a pain killer. However, that pretty much took up my whole afternoon so I still didn't get any homework done and even if I did get some done, I have no idea when it's for.
The plus side to this past week is I seem to have made a new friend or two. It's always nice to have someone to talk to, even if you're a loner like me. However, I advise you not to live the way I do because people don't want to know you unless they're stuck on a piece of work that you know the answer to...
I hope you guys have had a good week and I'll try to sort out a day to do this blog weekly, rather than just every now and then!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

It Gets Better

Well, I've still got a whole lot of work to do and hardly ever have any free time but life seems to be picking up a bit for me right now. (touch wood!)
I'm actually finding doing school work a lot more calming than being with people, it's nice just to sit at home in the silence and have the satisfaction of knowing everything is done and you can have a moment to just sit and enjoy the world before you have to come back to the work again.
Today, even the girl I talked about in my last post seemed nicer than normal (that'll probably wear off tomorrow) and I had a really nice time at school which never, ever happens!
I hope that everyone else is doing really well in their lives as well, if you want to you can comment on this post and tell me anything, I'm all ears!
Sorry this post was so short but that was my moment of just sitting and enjoying the world and I'm just glad I got to enjoy it with you beautiful souls. I'll post again soon!
(If you have any suggestions for posts, please tell me! I'm willing to write about anything you want to see, not just things about my life!)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

If You Can't Handle The Truth...

I've been back at school for nearly three weeks now and none of that time has been good, it's not made me happy. Not even being around the people that I may call friends has made me happy.
To make matters worse my friends- which are really just a group of people I hate a little less than everybody else- have welcomed a new girl into our midst. This new girl, they all think she's perfect, she couldn't do wrong in their eyes and she is obviously the nicest person in the world.
This girl I hate more than the rest. She is not a nice person, she thinks the world should revolve around her and since she has joined us nobody needs me anymore. None of my 'friends' even want to know me now that this girl has arrived.
I've tried to speak with my parents about it but they just laugh it off and say no more. It's like even they don't care and that hurts.
I have had to resort to this blog to make my feelings heard, even if nobody else reads this.
Sometimes I wish I could just sink into the welcoming abyss that depression offers me but then I think about what it is that I want from my life. Think about the fact that, half of these people I'm never going to have to see again!
These are the thoughts that make me happy. This and the fact that if I am able to do what it is that I want to further on in my life, I'll be helping millions of little animals who seem to like me a lot better than humans...

Friday 31 August 2012

End of Summer

Well, this summer has been terrible.
To get into 6th Form my year has to do a set of assignments for each of the subjects that we want to take, without knowing what we had achieved in our exams, so ultimately not knowing whether we were actually going to get a place on the course we want.
This summer, all I wanted to do was read my books but I haven't been able to do that due to these assignments. I'm not sure if other people are as annoyed as me but I've had to put in a lot of unwanted hours on these things.
Fortunately, when I did receive my exam results I had the grades I needed to get onto the courses, so I wasn't too badly off.

But now the summer is nearly at its end. I haven't read half of the books on my list and I've only got a couple of days to read some more and I still have to learn a load of formula and put together a literature treasure chest for my English class.
I am, however, in the middle of reading Dracula (which has finally started to get exciting) and I've nearly finished watching a TV series that I've been craving for years.

Also, I had a birthday in the middle of the summer (Happy Birthday to Me!) and got a load of stuff and bought myself a whole shelf full of new books (which probably wasn't my best plan yet) and we had a great time.

I hope to blog again sometime soon, but knowing my luck, that probably won't happen...